Unlimited and Infinite: Perfect Timing

This quote reminds me of Nipsey Hussle’s song
“Perfect Timing”
– the inspiration behind the title of this posting –

Hi everyone !

I haven’t dropped any words here in months but I’m back. There have been a million and one things that have come to pass since my last entry on 4th May 2020. I’ll go into a detailed delve another time. For now, I’m moved to remind any soul reading this (and writing this) that grace is the only way to make it through the remainder of this year alive. Yes, grace.


grace/ɡrās/ (according to Merriam-Webster + Google)

(1) the free and unmerited favor of God, [as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings]

(2) unmerited divine assistance given to humans for their regeneration or sanctification

(3) disposition to or an act or instance of kindness, courtesy, or clemency [mercy/leniency]

(4) a temporary exemption: reprieve [to give relief]


Whichever definition resonates with you, I encourage you to apply it. Apply it to wherever you are right now on your journey. 2020 has been a doozy, a whirlwind, an unprecedented social experiment testing our spiritual, physical and emotional health. Yet if you’re anything like me, you still find yourself complaining that you’re not doing enough. Checking and rechecking your to-do list wondering when the he** am I going to get all of this done?! Crushing your own dreams under the weight of your critical voice as if it’s the only way.

Think about this: imagine inheriting $100,000 dollars (free $$ 🤑) but refusing to use it to enhance your life because you didn’t “work” for it. That example is how we end up looking when we’re hard on ourselves (and others). Many of us prefer to struggle through our hardships, kicking ourselves while we’re down, just to say we “worked” for our victory. Spiritually speaking, God has already blessed us with unlimited grace and mercy. Honor Him by accepting the gift that He has already given to improve the quality of your life. Put an end to the self-directed negativity by making the choice to exercise the gift of God’s grace.

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